Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • An Intuitive Help Center

  • You will find nearly all the answers to your questions in the easy–to–navigate Help section built into our Hosting Control Panel. It features a comprehensive knowledgebase with commonly asked questions and detailed help articles prepared by our knowledgeable tech support staff.

  • Top quality support service
  • Educational Video Clips

  • If you’d rather watch how a task is performed or how a problem is settled, rather than just reading about it, then have a look at our selection of instructional video tutorials. They cover a lot of different issues and will help you quickly find your way around our Hosting Control Panel.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A Sixty–Minute Ticket Response Guarantee

  • All our semi–dedicated servers are backed up by a round–the–clock customer service and feature a one–hour support ticket response guarantee. Our seasoned technicians will be online for you around the clock and will solve any problem that you might come across within maximum 1 hour after the trouble ticket submission. In the majority of instances, a reply will be provided to you in less than 20 minutes.