If you’ve purchased a web hosting plan and you have certain questions relating to a specific function/feature, or if you have stumbled upon a certain difficulty and you need assistance, you should be able to contact the respective technical support team. All web hosts use a ticketing system irrespective of whether they offer other methods of contacting them apart from it or not, as the fastest way to solve a problem most often is to submit a ticket. This kind of communication renders the replies exchanged by both sides easy to follow and permits the client service team representatives to escalate the situation in the event that, for example, a sysadmin needs to interfere. Usually, the ticketing system isn’t directly connected to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, so you need to have at least two separate accounts to get in touch with the customer support team and to actually administer the hosting space. Non-stop switching from one account to the other can be a headache, not to mention the fact that it takes a long time for the majority of web hosting providers to respond to ticket requests.

Integrated Ticketing System in Web Hosting

The ticketing system that we use for our Linux web hosting packages is not separate from the hosting account. It’s an integral part of our full-featured Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you will be able to visit it at any given moment with only a couple of mouse clicks, without signing out of your hosting account. The ticketing system includes a quick-search field, so you can track down practically any ticket that you have already posted, if necessary. Additionally, you can read knowledge base articles that belong to different problem categories, which you can choose, so you can discover how to solve a given problem before you actually send a ticket. The response time is no more than sixty minutes, which implies that you can obtain prompt assistance whenever you need one and if our support staff suggests that you should do something in your account, you can do it instantaneously without having to log out of the Hepsia Control Panel.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We believe that it is far more efficient to manage everything in a single location, which is the reason why we have implemented a trouble ticket system into the custom-created Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is offered with every semi-dedicated server plan. This will allow you to handle the communication with our technical support staff along with your hard disk drive space, which suggests that you won’t have to remember an additional username for a different admin interface. You will be able to open a new ticket or to check the status of an old one with no more than a few clicks of the mouse while you are browsing the content hosted in your account. Plus, you can look through older tickets using a clever search box or have a look at applicable knowledge base articles, which provide solutions to commonly faced difficulties. The integrated ticketing system is strictly monitored 24-7-365 with the maximum response time being only 1 hour, so there will always be somebody to assist you.