Being able to get in touch with your web hosting provider when you have any type of questions or experience any issues is important and how quickly they'll answer back and react is often essential, especially if your website is business-oriented, as more downtime could mean losing prospective customers. The support solutions are a quick way to identify actual suppliers from resellers. The second typically answer only to email messages or support tickets and you'll have to wait for a day or more so as to receive an answer. If your issue needs a few responses, you may end up losing several days in order to have a basic problem solved. When you use the services of an authentic and reputable web hosting supplier, you will be able to get in touch with the support team anytime and get a quick response whatever the issue or the question is - pre-sales, customer or tech one.

24/7 Customer Support in Web Hosting

The customer and technical support services for our web hosting packages are round-the-clock, which means that you can forget all about waiting for a few days to get assistance. If you are not our client yet, you can give us a call, chat with a representative or send an email. If you do have an account, you'll be able to open a support ticket in addition to the other three ways of communication. You're able to choose the most suitable way to contact us based on where you are or the equipment you're using. We're able to help you for almost any webhosting-related question that you may have or issue that you may encounter and even if you contact us during the weekend or on official holidays, we will be available 24/7. For more technical or time-consuming matters you may open a ticket, but even then the max response time will never exceed 1 hour.

24/7 Customer Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We know how important it is to get quick assistance, particularly when your web site is not functioning effectively for whatever reason. All our Linux semi-dedicated packages come with 24/7 customer and technical support, which means that in case something happens, you'll be able to use various ways to contact us - phone line with multiple local numbers internationally, live chat, emails and tickets. The first two options are for billing, pre-sales and common matters, so in case you do not have an account yet, for instance, you're able to get extra information about our services, or we can help you with simpler tech matters. The other two options are for solely technical matters or anything that's more time-consuming considering that it is easier to follow the correspondence between you and our tech support team. The guaranteed maximum answer time for them is just 1 hour, the typical one - 15-20 min, so you won't have to wait for a whole day in order to get support like you may have to do when using the services of various other providers.

24/7 Customer Support in VPS

Every virtual private server plan that we provide includes 24/7 customer and technical support, so if you encounter any problem with the pre-installed software on the machine or you have any kind of pre-sales or general questions, you will be able to contact us at any time, even holidays and weekends. For your benefit, we supply different ways of communication - telephone support with a couple of local numbers worldwide, live chat, emails plus a ticketing system, which is accessible through the VPS billing Control Panel. The last two options are more appropriate for time-consuming or more complex tech matters as it'll be much easier to monitor what's going on. The maximum guaranteed reply time for all email messages and tickets is sixty minutes, yet it rarely takes that long to get support. In case you add the Managed Services upgrade that we provide, our admins can also support you with any third-party software difficulties.

24/7 Customer Support in Dedicated Hosting

With a one-hour max reply time guarantee, you will benefit from quick support when you get a dedicated server from our company. Our customer and technical support teams are accessible 24/7/365, which means that every time you open a ticket through your billing account or you send an e-mail message regarding any kind of issue with the server or the pre-installed software on it whatever the time of the day, you'll have an answer within 1 hour, even during holidays. Our ticketing system is the perfect option in case the matter in question needs a longer period of time to be solved or if it has to be sent to our administrators, since it is much easier to track the communication sent on both sides. For common, billing and sales issues/inquiries, you can call us or talk to a live representative via our chat service. In case you include the Managed Services upgrade to the server plan, our admins can also support you with third-party software set up and troubleshooting and just like the regular support, this service is available 24/7 too.